Sunday, January 22, 2012


Our family travels much more than anyone I know with kids. When we lived in Houston we were coming to Dallas at least once a month and now that we live in Dallas we try to do make it to Houston just as often. We also go to Abilene at least twice a year and summer time has us going to several different places in Texas.

I would like to think we have this down to an art but we always manage to forget something or decide to leave at the wrong time to miss naps in the car or something of that sort. Needless to say some trips go great and some not so much.

When Carson was an infant up until probably 18 months he was a terror in the car. I would give Garet the evil eye if he breathed hard in fear of waking him. When he got interested in watching movies everything changed and now he is very manageable in the car. Caleb so far is a wonderful traveler and we are hoping and praying that it stays that way. He sleeps most of the trip, gets fed, then just hangs out for the rest of the time.

Now you can imagine when Garet or I get to travel without the kids...we love it. We can actually turn the radio up, talk as much and as loud as we want, and don't have to listen to 8 episodes of Mickey Mouse (its almost time to get Carson some ear phones). I used to hate driving, now on the occasional road trip alone it's so peaceful. My my how times have changed.

Here is a picture of one of my sleeping beauties in the car...and yes while they sleep I give Garet the death look to not make a sound :)

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