Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm not the type of mother that posts every time my kid has a runny nose, cough, or some kind of illness. I think people who do that are looking for someone to feel sorry for them. When I read those posts, mostly on Facebook, I do feel sorry for them but then I think sickness and kids are an obvious and we all choose to have these wonderful babies. If I posted every time Carson got sick I would be one of those obnoxious facebookers that people contemplate deleting from their friend list on a daily basis.

Now that I'm done with my soap box I will continue with the sickness that will not leave my household! Yes I am posting and if you want to feel sorry for me I will gladly take the sympathy :) in one month we have had a stomach virus, strep throat, and now RSV!!! When I say we I mean Carson, Caleb and I. Not Garet...never Garet. He has some freakishly good immune system to where we could have the plague in our house and he wouldn't catch it.

So as of now Carson has RSV, I have a type of the virus that coincides with that and I want to keep Caleb in a bubble ball so he doesn't get it also. Since Carson is over 2 the virus is not too serious for him, but if Caleb catches it we could have serious problems. We I started reading about the newest sickness in the house I found out that RSV is highly contagious, transferred by coughing or sneezing, and can live on surfaces for hours! Needless to say we are on house arrest and Caleb is in a bubble ball that we roll around the house like a hamster ball. Jk

I guess the upside to all of this is I'm not working so I can stay at home and take care of my sick babies without worrying about taking days off and my wonderful family has been helping me keep my sanity and watching the kids every once in awhile.

Like I said earlier I know the kids will get sick again sometime after we get over this one, but can the Black household have a little break? Where can I put in that request??

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